As a new mom to a five month old there are three things I don't have: Time, Energy, or Money. If I were to sit down and think about all that I do not have then I would be a pretty depressed person. I am not going to lie, I have my moments when I get on the ol' facebook and see what my old highschool buds have and are doing and I get overwhelmed with jealousy for all the S.T.U.F.F. that I don't have (Stupid. Things. Unnecessary. For. Fun....yeah I just made that up, booyaaah!) Today was such a gorgeous day and I had such a sweet nugget to snuggle, it was difficult to focus on wanting anything other than the view from my window and my lil babe.
Umm, do I really need to caption this? He's perfect.
Rawr! I need to nibble on these turkey legs!
The view from one of my windows, it almost looks like I have a window shade from snow white's forest.
A different window view.
The enchanted forest I get to call my backyard.
So as you can see I have so much to be thankful for. On days like today I am convinced that there is not any amount of S.T.U.F.F that could make me as happy as these priceless treasures.
It is true! You have Little C and that is everything! I love your view and that name of your blog. Y'all can get out and explore together! And I love having this place to see him grow. It will be great to keep this as a journal of his achievements