
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spring Fling!

I cannot even begin to explain how much I love spring time! The winter blues are no joke, everything looks dead and bare, (including my soul...........haha just kidding, but seriously it sucks.) just when you think that it wont end the trees start making little baby leaves and things start to slowly turn green, and then you wake up one morning and everything you see has turned every color imaginable and it feels amazing outside! I thought it would share some pictures from our Easter holiday.

 conner's first easter!

a couple of chubby chunks hanging out.
kitty photobomb :)
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The way I see it.

As a new mom to a five month old there are three things I don't have: Time, Energy, or Money. If I were to sit down and think about all that I do not have then I would be a pretty depressed person. I am not going to lie, I have my moments when I get on the ol' facebook and see what my old highschool buds have and are doing and I get overwhelmed with jealousy for all the S.T.U.F.F. that I don't have (Stupid. Things. Unnecessary. For. Fun....yeah I just made that up, booyaaah!) Today was such a gorgeous day and I had such a sweet nugget to snuggle, it was difficult to focus on wanting anything other than the view from my window and my lil babe.
Umm, do I really need to caption this? He's perfect.
Rawr! I need to nibble on these turkey legs!
The view from one of my windows, it almost looks like I have a window shade from snow white's forest.
A different window view.
The enchanted forest I get to call my backyard.

So as you can see I have so much to be thankful for. On days like today I am convinced that there is not any amount of S.T.U.F.F that could make me as happy as these priceless treasures.